Moving on to pastures new…


I (Kris) am sad to say that this will probably be the last entry posted to this Blog. For all sorts of reasons (which included illness and moving house), it became very difficult for me to continue regular posting to this or my other site Metaphysically Living. Once the dust had settled, Delcia and I decided that perhaps we were moving in different directions as far as the Blog was concerned. As you will see below, we are still very actively involved in consciousness and spirituality, but it became clear that we needed to work separately within our own fields of interest.

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Del blog pic Feb 14

Two days ago I (Delcia) ran a Channelling Development day workshop in North Cumbria.  This is an opportunity for those who have already learned to channel to meet together, practise, talk about channelling generally, develop skills, and get some answers to personal questions, and the meaning of life etc. etc. I must say we had a wonderful day with lots of fun as well as being moved to tears at times.  Continue reading

The Dark Night of the Soul


It’s been a long time since our last post. Unfortunately, I (Kris) have been very ill, but that wasn’t the main reason for not posting until now. During a recent low point in my health, I also went into spiritual crisis, and my old adversaries ‘doubt’ and ‘resistance’ took up lodgings in my head and my heart, bringing with them a new friend – ‘hopelessness’.

I had never experienced such a dark and lonely void and I wasn’t sure I was ever going to return from it; or if I did, how much of my spiritual self would remain intact. Since beginning our explorations with the Ouija board and Channelling, I have always felt a connection with my guides – even whilst I was doubting my ability to connect, I never doubted their existence, and so always felt they were with me and on my side – even if they couldn’t ever intervene on my behalf and take all my pain and fear away. During this bleak period, I lost all trust, hope and belief in them and life. I turned away from my connection with them and sent myself into a mire of ‘what’s the point of anything?’ There’s more to it than that, but that’s what it amounted to.

During this time of shut off and shut down, I would experience subtle inclinations towards hope and love. When I mentioned these fleeting experiences to my partner, Paddy, I would be filled with unexpected emotion. I’ve come to realise that this is an indication that my guides are with me and so I couldn’t deny that they were holding me and caring for me. As I began to allow these experiences to find their way into my heart, I began to notice synchronicities that encouraged me to keep moving forward towards the light of ‘all is well’.

Desperate to return to the familiar and comforting world of spirituality, I’d challenged my guides to provide me with something so unequivocal that there would be no way I could question its origin, and thus be able use it as a lever to prise myself out of my new way of thinking that we are all just powerless pawns in a big cosmic game. I asked for a feather, to arrive in such a fashion that I couldn’t doubt its meaning – I felt that should be easy for them to arrange. A couple of days later, as I sat on the first floor of a café looking out of the window towards the building opposite, I saw a feather gently floating down towards the ground. I doubted that this was the feather I’d asked for, and confirmed my doubt when I saw a pigeon on a ledge above (but way to the left) of where I’d seen the feather.


A few days later, Paddy brought in a bucket full of wood he’d just chopped in the small coal bunker attached to the house. He always manages to come in with bits of cobweb stuck to his fleece, but this time I noticed something was hanging from the usual bit of web – a feather. There’s a small door space into the bunker, but it’s so cold, dark and damp, I couldn’t imagine how a bird or a feather could find its way in there. I reluctantly accepted this as my ‘sign’, especially as Paddy was so insistent that it couldn’t be anything else and that I would just be being stubborn if I ignored it!

Since then I have been able to allow more and more ‘evidence’ (synchronicities, coincidence, positive thoughts dropping unexpectedly into my head, the feeling of being loved suddenly filling my heart), evidence that I am not alone, that I am safe, I am loved, I am always connected, that all is well.


Slowly I am making my way back into the world of metaphysics and spirituality – all made possible with the love of Paddy, my dear friends and my amazing guides. I suppose it’s not uncommon for people on this path to go through phases of spiritual crisis and depression as we try to make sense of just how incredible the universe is, how little we know or understand about how it all works and where we fit in. Instead of trying to figure it out as a physical being, I’m now going to allow my non-physical self and friends to guide me through, and to, what matters to me: living each day as it comes, gratitude for all that I have, celebrating the connections I have both in physical and non-physical, and trusting that not only is all well, all is always well.

Are you a traveller or a tourist?

Del & Russell at Taj Mahal for emailI’m thinking of my recent trip to India and my experience of travelling in non-tourist areas.  All the while on some level I was also yearning to find the kinds of facilities and services that are generally supplied just for tourists!  Interesting!  So I decided to transfer this onto my thoughts about life.  Am I – or you – a traveller or a tourist of life?

I feel I am a traveller who has faced both the highs and lows of being in strange, unknown places and needing to find my way through eg. the lows – divorce, bereavements, depressions, night terrors, eating disorder, physical accidents, illness and a lot of physical pain; and the highs – getting to connect with spirit, finding ways to heal myself, developing my own healing abilities, finding loving relationships, enjoying sensuality, expanding my mind, experiencing other cultures, being highly creative, having a loving husband …  and so on.  BUT – and it’s a big BUT – I’ve also wanted to be a tourist – to go through my life with the protection and support of others who have been there before and know the ropes.  I’ve wanted comfort and no pain – just pleasure.  I’ve wanted someone else to look after me, fund me, take responsibility.  Is this a fair assessment of the tourist?  Here’s what OT came up with (the you is a general you):

Old Delhi for email

“You are both a traveller and a tourist.  You can never know what’s around the corner but you can look to others who are more experienced than you to give you signs and help you out when, as a traveller, you feel you’ve lost your way. 

A traveller does need a map and needs to have some kind of plan.  A tourist needed to do some research before they decided which tour to go on.  In many ways there’s no difference. 

It’s a question of perspective, seeing the situation from a particular angle.  There’s nothing noble about ‘suffering’ as a traveller.  Some like the excitement of finding their way alone.  Some like the security of having it all planned out by someone else.  You choose the style that suits.

 In life itself the journey contains both – the tourist within the traveller finds the resources he/she needs to satisfy their curiosity and their physical needs.  The traveller in the tourist takes time to step outside the objective viewing of the culture they are in and allows themselves to feel their way into identifying with that they see, smell, touch, hear, and so on.  In this way they learn as the traveller does, but perhaps less viscerally and with less cultural impact.

All experience is of great value and is never wasted.  All experience takes you forward in your learning and understanding.”

Some thoughts from India…


A hot Del!

I (Delcia) am in my third week of visiting India.  Unfortunately I have been ill quite a lot since being here. However this has given me time to rest and reflect. Here are just a few thoughts I would like to share. The ‘channelled’ piece in italics is both me and OT (Ortundra).


The Taj Mahal

To be ‘out of your comfort zone’ is to experience just how varied divinity is. The divine connection in this land is more obvious, yet full of paradoxes, and this demands you to step way outside the social and political norms that dictate your own life.  There is no safety net here. People survive – or they don’t. You have here in this land the greatest of contrasts – the divinity and the corruption, the colour and the darkness, the chaos and the co-operation. Through the basics of survival – water, food, and some kind of shelter – you come to know how little you need for your physical life. Through these basics you have seen humanity. You have seen cruelty and neglect. You have seen tenderness and close kinship. You see it all here in its starkness, not hidden away.


And here are some inspiring quotes from Mahatma Gandhi, which I saw when visiting his museum and ashram in the city of Amedabad in the state of Gujurat , NW India:

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”.

“Be the change you want to see in the world”

These digital paintings were done on my iPad

Make yourself available for souls who want to communicate

In this prophetic session, Watchers told me that I would communicate with souls and help them to accept their situation.  I wasn’t quite sure how this would happen – via Out of Body Experiences, or through channelling? I’d already experienced a powerful channelled session where the brother of a friend (who also recently passed) came through. To say I was taken by surprise at this would be an understatement! That was 11 months ago (Session 17, 27th Nov 2011) and seemingly a one off as nothing similar happened after that. However, a couple of months ago I experienced something even more powerful and more convincing. (I write about this in detail in my Metaphysically Living blog.) It’s left me in no doubt that I don’t need to ‘channel’ in order to communicate with those who have passed: although I’ve yet to be able to do it ‘to order’. Time will tell. Continue reading

Paying Attention to Coincidences May Save a Life

Sad kidThis post is not going to follow the usual format – so no Ouija session or channelling from Ortundra. I (Kris) want to talk about a series of ‘coincidences’ that took place for me recently. I don’t believe there is such a thing as coincidence, I believe they are attempts by our Greater Self to get us to pay attention to something. This certainly proved to be the case in this example – and a very important message it was too. Continue reading

Suicide – break the cycle of despair

So much of this session now makes perfect sense. At the time, we couldn’t understand what was being said. What’s really incredible is that at the time, Pad was writing music for a show. He produced several pieces of music over the following months; and then, in Mar 2013, the show premiered in France. There was one particular track that our friend, Colette, wanted to use in a different way. So, a month or so after the show premiered, she had a local engineer do some work on it. It’s Pad’s music with extra sound effects and it sounds amazing. Also, since this session, we have gone on to read several books by Frank DeMarco and have even Skyped with him. Continue reading

Mediumship or Channelling? What’s the difference?

It's all here

So much is changing for us in our experiences of what we call ‘channelling’, that we have decided to break from our usual format of posting articles. As this Blog is about exploring Inner and Outer Dimensions together, we can no longer ignore the changes taking place in our understanding of how we connect with discarnate energies and the energy of those who have passed. We’re really happy with this new development as it opens up so much more to explore and share with you. Continue reading

We are your psychic trainers

This was a bitter-sweet session for me, but an exciting and exhilarating one for both Paddy and myself (Kris). Neither of us realised that our previous session (which I haven’t included in this Blog it as it wasn’t particularly moving or enlightening) would be our last one with our ‘Seth’. There wasn’t even a hint that things were about to change so dramatically, and so no sense of it being an end leading to a new beginning. Continue reading